On the night of the 19th Cardiff experienced its first Air Raid. In spite of children being up at night attendance Very Good. Continue reading “Cardiff’s first air raid”
Indisposition caused by escape of gas
Circular No. 23/40-41. Education (Institution) Act, 1923.
Circular No. 22/40-41. National Savings movement.
Head Teacher absent at the afternoon session. Indisposition caused by escape of gas in H. T. room. This occurs periodically. Continue reading “Indisposition caused by escape of gas”
Miss Newberry returns
Circular 19/40-41. Petrol rations & teachers.
Miss Newberry returned to duties. Continue reading “Miss Newberry returns”
Miss Newberry’s vacation
Miss Newberry allowed to take one week’s vacation, in consideration of her attendance at the Speech Training Classes held at Easter. Continue reading “Miss Newberry’s vacation”
Library books checked
School library books were checked. Continue reading “Library books checked”
Empire Day celebrations
Empire Day was celebrated. The registers were not marked but school assembled and sang patriotic songs, prayers for our Country & saluted The Flag. A short Empire Programme ended at 10:40 with the singing of the National Anthem. Continue reading “Empire Day celebrations”
Miss James returns
Miss James returned to school unaware that Whitsun Holidays had been cancelled. Continue reading “Miss James returns”
National Emergency
School re-opened owing to a National Emergency. Continue reading “National Emergency”
School closed for Whitsun Holidays
New pupils
Letter from the Director granting permission for two children under five years of age to attend school. Continue reading “New pupils”