Miss Parry Inspector B of E [Board of Education] called also a member from Ministry of Health. Continue reading “An inspector calls”
Warning 9.55 to 10.50 am
Warning 9.55 to 10.50 am. Few children arrived early, but came later.
Warning after children had gone 4.10 pm. Continue reading “Warning 9.55 to 10.50 am”
Night raid
Attendance low. 69%. Night raid. Continue reading “Night raid”
Circular No. 32. 40-41
Circular No. 32. 40-41. Copy of a letter circulated by the Minister of Information. Continue reading “Circular No. 32. 40-41”
Enemy planes overhead
9th & 10th. Air Raid Warnings 3.15 & 10.30. Children conducted to the shelters. Children arriving (10th) at school described the sight of falling bombs. Very disturbed morning; enemy planes overhead. Duck under signal (Gong). Parents very anxious. Percen. 51.2. Planes in the vicinity all the afternoon. Continue reading “Enemy planes overhead”
Circular No. 32/40-41
Circular No. 32/40-41. Children’s overseas Reception Scheme. Continue reading “Circular No. 32/40-41”
Circular No. 31 1940-41
Circular No. 31 1940-41. Instructions [for] Air Raids during school hours. Continue reading “Circular No. 31 1940-41”
Three daytime warnings
There were 3 daytime warnings. Continue reading “Three daytime warnings”
Attendance figures
Morning = 80.75 Afternoon = 89.12. Continue reading “Attendance figures”
Low attendance following air raid warnings
Attendance = 64.85% in the morning.
An Air Raid Warning occurred every night from June 23 on two separate periods on June 25 during the night. Continue reading “Low attendance following air raid warnings”