No warning in school time. Continue reading “No warning in school time”
Two air raids
Raid Warning 9 am also 10 am. Head Teacher in school also members of the staff as soon as possible. Continue reading “Two air raids”
Low attendance (night raid)
Low attendance (night raid). Continue reading “Low attendance (night raid)”
School re-opened after the vacation
School re-opened after the vacation.
Miss L Roberts student helped with the reception class. Here there were several new children – 20 during the week. Continue reading “School re-opened after the vacation”
Many children have left the school
School closed for a period of two weeks, to re-open on Tuesday Aug. 13th.
Many children have left for the duration of war, having gone to a quieter area. Continue reading “Many children have left the school”
Warning from 2.45 to 3.45pm
Warning from 2.45 to 3.45pm. Continue reading “Warning from 2.45 to 3.45pm”
Warning from 12.55 to 1.55pm
Warning from 12.55 to 1.55pm. Continue reading “Warning from 12.55 to 1.55pm”
Necessitous children during holidays
Circular No. 42/40-41. Necessitous children during holidays. Continue reading “Necessitous children during holidays”
Government Inspector in the playground
Warning 3pm to 4.5pm. Mr T. Jones Government Inspector in the playground, visiting shelters. Continue reading “Government Inspector in the playground”
Window protection in the schools
Circular No. 34/40-41. Window Protection in the schools. The material was duly received & cut into required pieces ready for adhesion. Previously the staff had assisted in making what protection they could. Continue reading “Window protection in the schools”