What if I have a concern?

We appreciate that from time-to-time parents/carers may want to raise a query or concern. To ensure that the query/concern is dealt with as quickly as possible, we request that all parents speak with their child’s class teacher in the first instance. If the problem remains unresolved then parents are welcome to make an appointment to see in the first instance the year group or phase leader.

School Complaints Procedure

Complaints Policy Procedure 2021 – 2025

The below flow chart is designed to assist parents in understanding the process.

Stage 1
Parent/carer raises a matter with the school

A meeting is quickly convened between the teacher and parents/carers

If issue or concern is remedied no further action is needed.

Stage 2
If a resolution is not achieved then a subsequent meeting is convened with the teacher and parents/carers, as well as the line manager for the specific team
(Mrs R Lloyd – Nursery/Reception; Mrs S Hodges – Y1/Y2; Mrs S Burt – Y3-Y6)

If issue or concern is remedied no further action is needed.

Stage 3
If a resolution is not achieved then key stage/phase leader to communicate concerns in writing to:

AHT – If concerns are related to learning
DHT – If concerns are related to pastoral issues, CP or attendance

A meeting is convened between parents/carers, AHT/DHT and relevant teacher

If issue or concern is remedied no further action is needed.

Stage 4
If a resolution is not achieved then AHT/DHT is to advise HT and a subsequent meeting is arranged between the relevant staff, parents/carers and HT

AHT/DHT passes all written records and concerns to the HT along with a chronology of events

Written complaint is received by HT and Stage 1 process is activated.

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