Blended Learning

Blended Learning Overview

Blended Learning letter to parents

BL parent’s letter

Blended Learning Overview for the whole school

Blended Learning progression N-Y6

Blended Learning Timetable (January 2021)

Whole School BL Daily Timetable

Synchronous Learning Risk Assessment (January 2021)

Marlborough Primary School Live Streaming Risk Assessment- January 2021

Blended Learning Presentation

Blended Learning Inset 2.11.20

Useful websites to support Blended Learning


Year 5 & Year 6 Microsoft Teams

Guide for parents on using Teams (Powerpoint presentation)

Teams – parent guide

Guide for parents on using Teams (Step by step video guide)


Year 3 & Year 4 Google Classroom

Guide for parents on how to use Google Classrooms (Powerpoint Presentation)

Google Classroom Parent Handout

Guide for parents on how to use Google Classroom (Step-by-step video guide)


Foundation Phase SeeSaw