
A child’s success at school is likely to be affected negatively if their attendance is poor. Those who do not attend regularly may fall behind in their learning leading to feelings of frustration and unhappiness.

The school’s duty is to provide an environment where all young people can flourish as a member of a happy, caring and safe community. It is our goal that each of our pupils attends school regularly and on time, making the most of the opportunities available to them.

Non-attendance is an important issue that is treated seriously. However, every case is different and we will always try to support families to improve the situation.

Marlborough Primary School’s Attendance Policy (including Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN)) is designed to help teachers, parents and pupils understand their rights, responsibilities and roles when it comes to school attendance. By working in partnership, it is our hope that every pupil achieves at least 97% attendance.

Attendance Policy

Absence Request Form

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