PTA Newsletter – September 2019

September 19 Marlborough PTA newsletter (pdf)

Welcome to the new school year. It’s great to see everyone back and in the swing of things.

As you may know there have been changes to the PTA over the past few months. New chair Amanda and the team are busy planning events to raise money that will go directly to the school so that our children benefit further.

We’d like to thank everyone who provided input to the recent survey. The responses were great and provided us with an insight into the types of activities people could support. We’re using these responses to plan a calendar of activities and will share this on a term-by-term basis.

This edition of the newsletter will provide you with the information on the way we plan to run some of the events so that pupils and the wider school community can get involved.

To make things easier to run we are looking for parents and carers to volunteer as class reps. This will not be a burden on time but will allow us to have a direct contact with each class to ensure that messages are spread far and wide. if you would like to volunteer please email the PTA account,, and provide your name and the class you can volunteer for.

As ever, we are keen to hear from anyone who can give up a small amount of time or would like to help support events or has any ideas for future fundraising. Thank you once again for your continued support!

Where has money raised been used?

We’d like to thank everyone for their support during last year. Your efforts helped raise money which has recently purchased and supported:

  • 10 LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 kits. These will be used throughout the school and make computing come to life through hands-on tasks, real-world projects and relevant technology that engages pupils. Through project-based activities, pupils’ skills are enhanced across science, coding, engineering and technology
  • Garden matting to enhance the ongoing project in the area outside the foundation classrooms
  • Year 6 leavers events
  • The return of a piano to the school hall! After months of moving the piano around to accommodate music sessions and after school lessons, the school now has a fully tuned piano in prime position in the hall for all to enjoy! A huge thank you to Stuart Wetherill for his help in securing this.

Reuse and recycle – uniform sale success!

A huge thank you to Year 1 mum Delyth who, along with volunteers, put on a fantastic used uniform sale at the end of the summer term.

Run over three days, this not only ensured others benefitted from being able to buy used uniform, but it also raised £230!

The feedback was positive, and parents are keen for future sales. Suggestions have included a welly boot and winter coat sale so please do keep hold of your unwanted and outgrown items and we’ll inform you of the collection points and date of sale.

Bake for books – reinventing the cake sales!

As announced last term, we are reinventing the cake sales and money from all sales will go directly to buy books for specific year groups.

To encourage participation across the school, the cake sales will be split by year group and classes – and pupils will run each sale, with supervision. In the spirit of healthy competition we will be announcing the money raised by each class!

Kicking off this year’s sales will be Year 4 which will be running its cake sale on Thursday 17 October straight after school. Children and families from year 4 are encouraged to bake and donate homemade or shop brought items to sell.

Dates for your diary

  • Friday 20 September 3.30-7.30pm – PTA BBQ. Help needed! To ensure this event goes ahead we need support. IF you can help with anything please contact Amanda at
  • Thursday 17 October 3.30pm. Year 4 Bake for Books Sale
  • Thursday 24 October – Halloween discos

Christmas cards – too early?!

Not wanting to mention ‘Christmas’ too early, but if you are planning on getting organised, we want to let you know that we’ll be selling school Christmas cards!

Each pupil will shortly be putting their creative skills to good use and coming up with their own bespoke designs, which will be personalised and available for you to buy.

Look out for more information coming soon.

Please follow Marlborough PTA on Facebook for full details of all our events, check the calendar on this website. Please also see our PTA notice board in the playground, on the side of the shelter near the Blenheim Road gate.

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