Mrs Sarah Stephanakis

Name: Sarah-Jayne Stephanakis 

Role: Class Teacher 

Qualified as a Primary School teacher in 2006 and joined MPS in 2007. I have taught across Foundation Phase and my journey into KS2 started in 2018. I want every child in my class to be the best they can be.  

I live with my husband Tony, my daughter Sofia and my son Leo. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, playing the garden and making precious memoires together.  

My favourite place to go on holiday usually includes Mickey Mouse. 

I like listening to the chart music and watching Disney movies, especially the new life action Disney classics. 

I tend to do most of the cooking at home and my favourite meal is spaghetti bolognaise, with a side salad and a cake for dessert. 

My top character strength is kindness. 

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