Adriana Bulai

Name: Adriana Bulai 

Role: Teaching Assistant

My career in education began in 2019 when I worked for various agencies in Cardiff and had the opportunity to work as supply in different areas within a school, from the office to classes in primary and secondary schools. I have also worked as supply in science laboratories and volunteered in the labs in Open Days when I studied Biomedical Science at Cardiff Met in 2014.

I joined the Marlborough Family in December 2020 and I love my role very much! I feel at home within the school and our community and enjoy every single day in work.

I live with my husband- a deputy manager, two young children, a dog and a chicken.

Outside school I enjoy exploring nature and visiting new places- my favourite being funfairs and sea-side walks. I enjoy reading books and watching BBC programmes, listening to music especially reggae and I love Spanish music and Christmas Carols.

I enjoy eating different types of food and my favourites are any salads and roast chicken.

The greatest gifts I have are honesty, kindness, humour and love

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